
PH Lab 101: Syphilis Testing and Laboratory Interpretation (On Demand-No CE)



Full course description

PLEASE NOTE: No CE. A certificate of completion is available in this free course.

This recorded training will emphasize the important considerations pertaining to syphilis testing, ordering, and interpreting results. 

The estimated time for completion is 1.0 hours or 60 minutes.


Healthcare and public health professionals, and laboratory technicians, who administer and interpret syphilis testing/labs

Learning Objectives

  • Summarize syphilis, how it spreads, and its history with a public health context
  • Describe the entire scope of laboratory testing for syphilis diagnosis with consideration to the challenges that accompany orders, test selection, and detection
  • Determine best practices for the implementation of efficient syphilis testing and lab interpretation


  • Kristine W. Smith, BS, MT (ASCP), Unit Manager/Bacterial & Viral Serology, Infectious Disease Division, Bureau of Laboratories, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services


Public Health Prepared is the workforce development and public health practice branch of the broader Michigan Center for Infectious Disease Threats & Pandemic Preparedness (MCIDT) initiative, funded by the University of Michigan. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by Public Health Prepared, MCIDT, or the University of Michigan.

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