Public Health Prepared's 3rd Annual Summit: Reflection and Connection

Reflection and Collaboration: Looking Within and Reaching Out-2024 Summit Lightning Talks (On Demand-No CE)



Full course description

PLEASE NOTE: No CE or certificate of completion is available in this free course.

The aim of the summit was to bring together those working around infectious disease and emergency preparedness and response in Michigan, whether in a public health, provider, or research setting.

Three lightning talks were given by MCIDT Faculty Affiliates to showcase their research and its connection to infectious disease practice.

This hybrid summit was held on June 24, 2024.


This on-demand is intended for infectious disease and emergency preparedness and response practitioners and researchers interested in learning about current MCIDT infectious disease research and its connection to their work.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe three projects conducted by MCIDT Faculty Affiliates that connect to infectious disease


  • Kelly Speer, PhD, Director, MCIDT Michigan Pathogen Biorepository and Assistant Professor, UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
  • Teresa O’Meara, PhD, MCIDT, Faculty Affiliate and Assistant Professor, UM School of Medicine
  • John Kubale, PhD, MPH, MCIDT Faculty Affiliate and Research Assistant Professor, UM Institute for Social Research


Public Health Prepared is the workforce development and public health practice branch of the broader Michigan Center for Infectious Disease Threats & Pandemic Preparedness (MCIDT) initiative, funded by the University of Michigan. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by Public Health Prepared, MCIDT, or the University of Michigan.

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